Buddha was believed to be the greatest teacher of all the times. Teachers play extraordinary roles in our lives from our
beginning years of development till we get matured to become responsible
citizens. I am grateful for the progress I made under the guidance of my Teachers.
I would like to offer all the credits to my teachers of the past and the
present. For me, not only the teachers at my schools but His Majesty the King,
my Drenchen Tsa Wai lama, my parents, relatives and my friends have been
a teacher to me one way or the other. Without them I won’t be standing where I
am right now. I know, this short but heartiest gratitude of mine would not be
able to reach all of my teachers yet I wish all of you a very “HAPPY TEACHERS
Dear mother, you were my first ever teacher. I have only been
able to be with you in the early ages of my life but you have laid a strong
foundation for my character developments. After you and father left me, my
grandparents came to my life as my second teachers. Grandpa and grandma, you have
been my guide and support in the very vulnerable times of my life. I would like to convey my message of “Thank
you” for the sacrifices you have made for me. In schools, my teachers were an important and an integral part in the journey of
my life. I can vividly remember their attributes such as love for students, a
man of character, emotionally stable, expression of their content of knowledge,
sense of humor in required situation, and their leadership traits which have
had positive impacts throughout my life. You have molded me to the best and
right shape. I have enjoyed each and every lesson you have bestowed on me and
this was the very reason I have had the opportunity to be with the best teachers
I could ever have.
When I was
student, the day was celebrated by us putting in the best efforts to celebrate
the day very grandly to pay our heartfelt gratitude to our teachers. This day was in fact one of the most enthusiastically
awaited occasion during my school days. Now I cannot celebrate the day
like we used to in schools and college but I would like to wish all my teachers
and the teachers around the world the “HAPPIEST TEACHERS DAY AND MAY YOU ALWAYS
Teacher’s Day. Live long and happy.
I could not be the best student of you but you
are one of my best teachers.
Thank You- Geden (Your Student)